You Can Be There For Us


Every cent counts. Every act of kindness makes a difference.

Your contribution is more than an animal shelter donation, it:

  • provides shelter, rehabilitation and care for up to 200 companion animals at the HAWS
  • funds an outreach solution that sterilises and vaccinates companion animals in vulnerable communities
  • helps educate children and communities on how to look after their pets
  • and rescues animals in distress from all over the Hermanus area and gives them a second chance.
HAWS Banking Details

Standard Bank

Account No: 082 263 310

Branch Code: 05 03 12

Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ

Reference: Name & Telephone number

Give Monthly - EFT

Load us as a beneficiary and make monthly payments

Standard Bank

Account No: 082 263 310

Branch Code: 05 03 12

Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ

Reference: Name & Telephone number


We have SnapScan available should you wish to make a donation to HAWS

Snapscan Image

Hermanus Animal Welfare operates on two sites. The one is the kennel complex in Steenbras Street in the industrial area, where all our animals are kept. The second is the welfare charity shop in Mitchell Street in central Hermanus. At the kennels there are eight permanent members of staff headed by Peter Hansen, the Kennel Manager.

We also offer people the option of leaving a legacy to HAWS in their wills.

Registered Name: Hermanus Animal Welfare Society NPO

NPO Registration Number: 002-950

Contact Details: (+27) 028 312 3770

Email :

All donations to HAWS are 100% tax deductible.
For a tax receipt, or to send proof of payment, please email:

Monthly Debit Order Sponsors

Sponsoring a Dog or A Cat from R450 to as little as R100 per month.  With your support, HAWS’ team is able to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome domestic animals in need across the Hermanus area.

Your Public generosity turns hopeless into hope.

Every act of kindness makes a difference. For more information about how you can uplift the lives of animals please Download our Forms

Projects which HAWS carry out daily

Your contribution will be invaluable.

Your contribution is more than an animal shelter donation it helps us achieve so much.

Thank You.