“The greatness of a nation and it’s moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”

- ~ Mahatma gandhi

Hermanus Animal Welfare Society
Giving life where it matters most

HAWS located at 4 Steenbras Street, Industria, Hermanus – has been in existence since 1983, when the property was generously donated to HAWS which enabled them to provide vital care and services for animals within the communities of Hermanus, Mount Pleasant, Zwelihle and Hawston.

From humble beginnings of just a few kennels, HAWS now have their own cattery, kennels and an animal welfare clinic at these premises.  In addition, they also operate two charity retails shops, one of which is located in the CBD and the other at the Gateway centre.  

These two shops generate the bulk of the income for HAWS. HAWS receives no financial support or assistance from any Government Department and is funded solely through its own fundraising efforts.

About Us


HAWS located at 4 Steenbras Street, Industria, Hermanus – has been in existence since 1983, when the property was generously donated to HAWS which enabled them to provide vital care and services for animals within the communities of Hermanus, Mount Pleasant, Zwelihle and Hawston.


HAWS is committed to the ongoing protection of animals in the greater Hermanus area which includes the surrounding communities of Mount Pleasant, Zwelihle and Hawston. It provides shelter for abandoned and abused animals, promotes an efficient adoption policy, operates its own animal welfare clinic as well as an outreach programme to the disadvantaged areas